Difference on Display

Beurs van Berlage,
Amsterdam (2009-2010)


Niet Normaal, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, 2010, aimed at uncovering normalization strategies in western society and its various technologies. It aimed for an inclusive, pluralistic society and offered the floor to a large diversity of artists without labelling them before they were allowed to speak. Themes such as social engineering and perfection, standard and difference as commodities, and the intertwinement of humans and technology were viewed from all sides. The project received excellent reviews from home and abroad, notably the liberating character of the event was praised. Niet Normaal · Difference on Display travelled to Berlin and Liverpool and was part of the Olympic Games Cultural Program in the summer of 2012.

List of artists: Pawel Althamer / Artur Zmijewski, Halil Altindere, Dan Asher, David Bade, Yael Bartana, Christiaan Bastiaans, Victor Boullet, Louise Bourgeois, Adam Brandejs, Birgit Brenner, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Butler Brothers, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Birgit Dieker, Nathalie Djurberg, Ines Doujak, Helen Dowling, Marlene Dumas, Marjolijn Dijkman, Jakup Ferri, Leo Fitzmaurice, Mat Fraser, Felix Gmelin, Douglas Gordon, Joseph Grigely, Daniel Guzmán,Thomas Hirschhorn, Damien Hirst, Louis Hock, Rini Hurkmans, Viktor & Rolf, Floris Kaayk, William Kentridge, Jon Kessler, Christopher Knowles, Job Koelewijn, Evelien Krijl / Olivia Glebbeek, Tsui Kuang-Yu, Martin Le Chevallier, Martin Lucas, Michael Metthey, Aernout Mik, Andreas Vinther Mølgaard, Bruce Nauman, Amzee Perera, Pharmacopoeia, Patricia Piccinini, Liza May Post, Marc Quinn, L.A. Raeven, Werner Reiterer, Thomas Rentmeister, Donald Rodney, Ricarda Roggan, Julika Rudelius, Karin Sander, Bob & Roberta Smith, Nedko Solakov, Jana Sterbak, Imogen Stidworthy, Javier Téllez, Gillian Wearing.


Filmfragments and other contributions: Michael Brennan, David Fincher, Mieke Gerritzen, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Havana, Marking, Andrew Niccol, Nicolas Harlamoff, Simon Willows, Mike Mills, Ronit Ridberg, Wendy Jacob, Billy Golfus, Institute Neurologically Typical, Frank Theys, Lee Silver / Jos Wassink, Natasha Vita-More, Rob van Hattum, Kevin Warwick, Critical Art Ensemble, Koert van Mensvoort, Emery Blackwell, Adam Zaretsky.

  • Selected events:

  • · First Impressions, discussion on the Niet Normaal · Difference on Display exhibition, including Ute Meta Bauer, Okwui Enwezor, Fulya Erdemci, Joseph Grigely, Gabrielle Schleijpen.
  • · Google Baby, IDFA selection, film screening.
  • · Sunny Bergman & Mitch McCabe, filmdirector of Youth Knows No Pain.
  • · Technocalyps, Frank Theys, documentary screening.
  • · Art and Engagement, symposium.
  • · Madness & Arts festival, debate in collaboration with Dolhuys, Haarlem.
  • · Beauty & The Beast, starring Mat Fraser in Rozentheater.
  • · Away from Her, on Alzheimer’s disease, film screening.
  • · Achmea event: Career after your 60th, normal or not normal?
  • · Yo, También, A-film, premiere.
  • · SKOR, The Collection, symposium.
  • · The Yes Men Fix The World, film screening.
  • · Niet Normaal Research Team, Martin Le Chevallier, Uitmarkt, Amsterdam.

Authors: Renu Addlaka, Michel Callon, Amade M’Charek, Johnson Cheu, Trudy Dehue, Donna Haraway, Petra Kuppers, Laurens Landeweerd, Ingunn Moser, Griet Roets & Dan Goodley, Thom Shakespeare, Patrick Devlieger.


Book cover publication 'Difference on Display: Diversity in Art, Science and Society'

ISBN 978-90-5662-715-7
NAi Publishers, Rotterdam